Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Organization Process Flow Creative Thinking Problem Solving Reliable

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I love food! I am really passionate about healthy, whole grain foods that taste amazing but that are packed full of vegetables and healthy proteins and that have spices and healthy fats so that you’re not missing out on flavor. I get really excited when I find a new food that is better for me, less processed and that allows me to make a recipe I never thought I’d even want to make.

What make's a great boss?

To me, a great boss is someone who sees the valuable skills in others and provides a platform on which they can succeed. He or she expects and rewards contributions from team members and understands their motivations for hard work. A great boss continually earns the trust of employees and extends it to others by overseeing and guiding, not micromanaging.

What is your yardstick for success?

My yardstick for success comes down to how well I am doing my job. I take great pride in following instructions accurately and in a timely manner. When I find opportunities to create organization from disorder or increase efficiency in business processes, I feel like most valuable.

What are your long-term professional goals?

My strength is in a supportive role, with the ability to manage and lead where needed, so the long-term goal is to serve and impact the company where I work to the best of my ability. I want to help the vision of company leaders become reality and bridge the gap between business goals and the everyday functioning details.

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