Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Restorative – I am adept at dealing with problems. I am good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it. Relator – I function best in relationships, and find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal. Learner – I have a great desire to learn and to continuously improve. I am excited not only by outcomes, but by the process of learning. Leader – Leading crucial teams and significant projects brings out the best in me. I am happiest when the stakes are the highest and the game is on the line. Spiritual – I approach all of life with an eye toward the spiritual and a belief in people.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

With three children at home, my interest are driven by their activities. I am do a lot of service and volunteer work, including serving as a hospice volunteer. I am active in the Cub Scouts with my son. I serve as a Spiritual Director, and teach frequently.

What make's a great boss?

There are only three C's that I look for in a supervisor ( or an employee.) Competence, character, and chemistry. Since the first two are easily evaluated, it really comes down to chemistry.

What is your yardstick for success?

I ask three questions. 1. Did we ship it (whatever "it" is) on time and under budget? 2. Are we finding some joy and hope in the work that we are doing? Work is supposed to be hard, but the process of working can build personal and relationship capital as well as achieving results. 3. Are we helping people?

What are your long-term professional goals?

My long term professional goal is the same as my long-term life goal. To serve people. To serve the people that I work for and work with. To serve people with the products and programs that I am working with. To serve to making a positive impact on every person I come in contact with. This might sound a little touchy-feely, to some, and that's OK. I am clear on what I was put here to do.

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