Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Leader Improver Results-Focused Systematizer Adaptability

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Team Sports; Reading; Collecting

What make's a great boss?

Coach - sets the plan, provides appropriate training and then delegates authority - and certain amount of discretion - along with responsibility to "play the game". To a large extent, the "ideal" boss distributes praise for accomplishments, but shoulders responsibility for setbacks and challenges. S/he employs "relentless follow-thru" to insure that goals are met and continuous improvement is achieved. The ideal boss is a good communicator and motivator, but fair and honest in dealings with subordinates. S/he is caring and recognizes the individuality (strengths & weakness) of each of their direct reports and manages them accordingly. Finally, they demonstrate a commitment to the vision, company and industry.

What is your yardstick for success?

Making a difference in the COMPANY's growth and performance.

What are your long-term professional goals?

Seeking an organization in which I can play a meaningful role and make a significant contribution to its success over the next decade.

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