Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Enthusiastic, Passionate, Accepting, Communicator, Athletic

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Working out, playing sports, watching sports, movies, traveling, being by the water (beach, lake, river, swimming pool); hiking; spending time with friends and family

What make's a great boss?

Someone who is a strong communicator; Someone who can motivate and gain buy-in; Someone who regularly acknowledges and says thank you; Someone who has high expectations, but also trusts his/her employees to perform without micro-managing; Someone who respects his supervisors, his peers, and his employees; Someone who expects and/or can embrace change and/or innovation; Someone who can adjust his/her supervisory style to his employees' personalities

What is your yardstick for success?

I know I am successful when I am, on a day to day basis, happy. I've been happy when I've made a very respectable salary, and I've been happy when my salary has been insufficient. In either case, if I am doing something I enjoy and can be passionate about, I am successful. I realize this may be cheesy, and even a cliche, but it is genuine.

What are your long-term professional goals?

My long-term professional goals are vague, at best. I would like to eventually be in some level of leadership position supervising a group of positive, passionate people that share in a common vision and mission that is beneficial to society. If this is as a CEO of a highly successful company, awesome. If this is as a mid-level manager of an organization, awesome. If this is as the director of a small, non-profit organization that struggles to survive, still awesome.

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