Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Driven, outgoing, opinionated, independent, and honest

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Watching my boys play soccer, doing work with my church or the inner city programs I am involved with, playing golf, and buying art with my wife

What make's a great boss?

A great boss makes you a part of the process without dictating every action; a great boss is an advocate of you and your ideas or tells you clearly why they can't be; a great boss helps you improve and keeps you informed

What is your yardstick for success?

For my career it is the respect of my peers and their acknowledgement of me as a subject matter expert that they trust, for my family it is the fact that my wife still can't wait to tell me about her day and that my boys think I am still funny. For me personally, it is working hard to put others above myself.

What are your long-term professional goals?

I think it is perfectly acceptable to say that I want the corner office and the responsibility and decision making ability that goes with it. I want to continue to stretch the boundaries of my career and never get complacent or overly comfortable. If I can do those things, the salary and the title on the business card will take care of themselves.

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