Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Extravert Highly Motivated Self-Starter Organized Leader

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Reading Kayaking Snow Skiing Spending Time With My Family

What make's a great boss?

Someone who leads by example Approachable Great Listener Great Communicator Knows their staffs strengths/weaknesses Effectively Staffing specific needs and coaching as needed to ensure success Willingness to retrain when necessary to provide opportunity for success of staff

What is your yardstick for success?

Meeting goals - both timelines and quality of project Having a staff that respects you and is driven to excellence because of your leadership Being recognized by your peers as someone who always does the right thing even when it not popular Being respected by everyone you work with and providing support to other departments to create continuity and success company wide

What are your long-term professional goals?

To find a career - not a job - I want to find a company here in Nashville that I can work for and retire with - now that my husband has retired from the military and our children are grown, I really want to focus on me and bringing my expertise to a company who will appreciate what I bring to the table and allow me to continue to grow and their be no ceiling on my ability to advance

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