Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Ambitious; Driven; Intuitive; Independent; Inspired

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Painting; Cooking and Baking; Eating chocolate; Trying different restaurants; Camping; Music; Attempting to ride horses; Pilates

What make's a great boss?

A great boss is made up of the ability to lead and gain the respect of his/her employees and colleagues, while remaining personable and giving employees credit when it is due. A great boss has to be as dependable as employees are to him/her in order for the group to run cohesively and successfully.

What is your yardstick for success?

I measure my success, not only by reaching my goals, but also by what I learn in the process. I used to believe that success was just the end result, but after experiencing a few setbacks, I have come to see the process as a journey. At the end, I should be a better designer and a stronger person.

What are your long-term professional goals?

I would like to work for a music, interior design, or architecture magazine. Ideally, my own photography would be an integral part of the projects I design. After working for a few years and gaining some experience, knowledge, and credibility, I would like to be the Creative or Art Director of a magazine.

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