Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Integrity, Strength, Growth, Change, Accountability

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

working in the yard, home improvement projects, travel, television and movies, auto racing, learning to refinish furniture

What make's a great boss?

A great boss is one who motivates and empowers his or her employees to exceed expectations. The most important element of this is developing relationships. A great boss will get to know employees personally – what is important to them, how they accomplish their responsibilities on the job, and what motivates them. A great boss will also clearly communicate goals and expectations and provide ongoing feedback while being willing to listen to concerns, opinions and ideas. A great boss will encourage employees to take ownership of their roles and to take calculated risks and be creative, thereby encouraging and facilitating personal and professional development. Additionally, a great boss will insist on implementation of best practices. I have found that when an individual has the latitude to expand themselves and the position, that it empowers them to accomplish great things. I also think it is important to recognize progress, improvements and a job well done. It is the small things that people appreciate the most. It has been my experience that when you show appreciation – say “thank you” for doing a good job on that report – give someone praise and credit where credit is due, people will go above and beyond to continue to exceed expectations.

What is your yardstick for success?

Success is measured in terms of goals realized, expectations exceeded, and continuous improvement.

What are your long-term professional goals?

My long-term career goal is to ultimately serve as Chief Executive Officer of a high performance organization with a reputation for being exceptional where I have made a significant impact in the organization’s growth, development and success.

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