Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Clever, Diligent, Honorable, Organized, and Resilient

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I am a healthy-lifestyle enthusiast. I promote and live a healthy life in various ways. First, I partake in strength training and yoga. Next, I create meals that are delicious with a high nutritional value. I am also an avid reader. I prefer a good book to almost anything. With my immense reading palate, I appreciate an array of collections. I have read popular series including The Hunger Games and Harry Potter, reread contemporary classics like The Great Gatsby and To Kill a Mockingbird, and informative nonfiction publications such as Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know about Fast Food.

What make's a great boss?

Several qualities encompass a great boss. The first and foremost attribute is consistency. An exceptional leader will provide rules, schedules, requirements, and timelines. A supervisor will relay these expectations in a clear and concise manner. Consistency provides certainty, discipline, and promotes productivity within the work force. A second characteristic is positivity. An outstanding chief will deliver an optimistic attitude to each employee. A boss' attitude increases positive behavior throughout the workplace. A steady, positive demeanor from the boss boosts morale of every employee. High morale is proven to increase work productivity while maintaining satisfied employees. A boss cannot go wrong with a positive attitude. Positivity spreads like wildfire. I always appreciate constructive feedback. An admirable boss will provide valuable critiques to his employees. Constructive criticism conveys new and varying viewpoints, builds trust, and commands respect. I value any and all constructive criticism from my superior.

What is your yardstick for success?

I am determined to have direction, independence, and prosperity throughout my career. My achievements will be based on these concepts. The direction I want to move is forward in my profession. I will consider this an accomplishment once I have earned it. Gaining independence in the workforce is a measurable goal to my success. I have the drive and desire to work towards this. I also want to earn and gain good fortune. As long as I am positively evolving throughout my career, I will consider this success.

What are your long-term professional goals?

My goal is to be in a profession that provides opportunity for advancement. With my high ambition, I will rise to any challenge. A thrill of mine is to accomplish something that seems impossible. I want to be challenged intellectually while motivating, promoting, and collaborating with others. My long-term goals is to have a job I am a passionate about while working with others and advancing to the top.

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