Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

smart competent friendly fun professional

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

reading travel movies entertaining skiing

What make's a great boss?

Competence,delegation,mentoring,fairness,job satisfaction, support for employees,professional growth, and making a valuable contribution to the organization. And it helps to be fun and make it fun for others since you are all in it together. Realizing that your success depends on your employees success and insuring both.

What is your yardstick for success?

Job satisfaction, comfortable compensation, excellent performance reviews, measurable progress toward objectives, meeting or exceeding goals, and enjoying what I do.

What are your long-term professional goals?

To spend the next 25 years making meaningful, measurable contributions to organizations, enjoy the work I am doing, and be compensated well enough to live well and retire comfortably.

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