Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

responsible, practical, determined, organized, dependable

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I love to read, play golf, watch old movies and am an amateur numismatist.

What make's a great boss?

Two things: they are able to communicate their desires in an understandable way to those that can help them achieve them and someone who will support their direct reports and provide them with the tools needed to do the job.

What is your yardstick for success?

How well I treat my fellow man (coworker, spouse, friend, child, etc.). Did I give them my best effort? Did I provide for them what they needed today? In the end, if I did all that I could – whether I came up short in their eyes might be disappointing to me, but would not define success. But if I know I missed the mark because I was being lazy, rude or uncaring...then I have truly failed.

What are your long-term professional goals?

Initially I hope to work in an organization whose mission, methods and culture delight their customers and energize their employees. Eventually I want to develop into a position where I not only manage a team of professionals but am able to collaborate (cross departmentally) with my peers and others in the organization to promote and expand the cost-saving and quality-minded opportunities provided by savvy procurement and supply chain strategies.

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