Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Passion; Curiosity; Honesty; Judgement; Communication;

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Beyond the 9-5 world, I like to spend time with my family exploring Nashville or attending our children's extra-curricular activities. Food is very important to me. I like to say I'm "food-oriented" because I think the term "foodie" is too pretentious. For me, food is not just about finding something good to eat, it is about the community, conversation, and camaraderie that come about from breaking bread. When I'm out looking for Nashville's best cheeseburger, I'm at home cooking for my family. Baking bread is of particular interest to me and I usually keep two or three active sourdough cultures in our refrigerator (much to my wife's chagrin). I'm also an active person who enjoys spending time gardening and landscaping. I get a wonderful sense of accomplishment from seeing my designs come to life. I just recently planted two sugar maples that I had grown from seed. Exercise is another important part of my life. I have a new found interest in triathlons and look to train for four races this coming year. Golf, softball, and ping-pong are activities that I always enjoy.

What make's a great boss?

I think a "boss" should strive to make everyone around him/her GREAT. This means being a purposeful, active listener, setting expectations and holding people accountable, and making tough decisions instead of avoiding them. It also means setting a vision, articulating core values for an organization, and ensuring that employees are focused on the right activities. A friend and mentor of mine likened being the boss to the role of an orchestra's conductor: the conductor interprets and controls the speed, expression, and volume of the music such that all instrumentalists, regardless of their position, can clearly understand how the music is to be played.

What is your yardstick for success?

Success, to me, is related directly to the attainment of goals. How well you establish, measure, monitor progress toward your goals determines to a great degree whether or not your will achieve your desired outcome.

What are your long-term professional goals?

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