Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

Analytical Disciplined Communicator Focused Responsible

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Spending time with my family Kayaking Mountain Biking Camping Sports

What make's a great boss?

I think what enables me to be successful as a leader is that I understand people. When you come from a family of seven children, you learn some of life's tougher lessons about people, their differences, and what makes them unique at an early age. I try to practice what I preach, and truly believe in setting the optimal example for my people. I also spend time with my people, go to great lengths to ensure they understand the company's direction, and why the company might be doing or prioritizing any series of actions. I feel if my Team understands the direction, and buys into it, that it enables success. I'm also a huge proponent of work-life balance, and apply this uniformly across my Team.

What is your yardstick for success?

I've always measured success by three things: 1) Achieving optimal success against my sales plan 2) Development/Advancement of my people 3) My own development and advancement

What are your long-term professional goals?

I want to find my next career here in Nashville. One that capitalizes on my prior professional experiences, and offers me future opportunities to scale and advance. It is important to me to find an organization that is rooted in the Nashville community, and not necessarily a satellite, or remote campus. I am not opposed to moving away from sales management, and into more of a customer implementation, or project manager role.

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