Quick Interview

What five words best describe you?

The five words that best describe her are: 1)passionate about her work, 2) strong interpersonal skills, 3)confident; 4) enthusiastic and 5)good communicator and persistent.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?


What make's a great boss?

A good boss is a person that communicates with you on a daily basis, supportive of employees, and ethical.

What is your yardstick for success?

Her yardstick for success has been setting long term goals and breaking them down into shorter goals once she has achieved the shorter goals she goes on to her next goal. IE: college education achieved..wanted to be a manager achieved..wanted to be a VP achieved, wanted to be in an executive position achieved..."be focused and go after what you want".

What are your long-term professional goals?

She believes long term goals are best achieved when broken down into shorter goals. She sould like to be a member of a growing company team to help the company achieve their projections so her long term goal would depend on where the company goes, but in the end she would like to "lead a successful team".

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